Writing a Cover Letter

Writing a Cover Letter

You are probably wondering if anyone reads cover letters anymore. Short answer, cover letters do get read. How do we know? Veterinary Staffing Pros reads them (all of them) when we recruit for our veterinary clients. Oftentimes a good cover letter showcases what you can do for the company and gives you the chance to stand out amongst the rest. Here are some tips on how to write an exceptional cover letter.

7 Effective Cover Letter Tips


Tailor Your Cover Letter to Fit Each Job

Take the time to research the company. Recruiters and hiring managers can tell when you have copy/pasted your name, and the company's name, into an overused template. Be authentic and genuine in your writing. It may take extra time, but creating a custom cover letter will show your excitement to join the company.

Format Your Cover Letter

Include your name, address, and telephone number, as well as any other contact information you would like the recruiter or hiring manager to have, at the top. Remember, you do not need to put a full address on a cover letter or resume.

Address Your Cover Letter to the Hiring Manager

If you have their name, use it.

Start Out with a Strong Action Statement and Share Your Excitement for the Position

Set an enthusiastic but professional tone and make it clear why you want the job and why you’re the best person for it.

Provide Examples and Use Numbers When Applicable

Give examples of your relevant skills and a brief overview of your background. Let your resume go into the details.

Use a Closing Paragraph

Briefly express your desire to discuss the position further in a follow-up meeting and thank them for their consideration.


Make sure your font is consistent throughout and that your cover letter is free of any grammatical or spelling errors.

Remember that the purpose of your resume is to show what you’ve achieved in the past and how you got to where you are.

Your cover letter is going to show where you’re hoping to go and what you want to accomplish in the future with the company that you are applying to. Tell them what you can do for them rather than what you want them to do for you.